
Junior School Co-curricular Programs

New challenges develop independence

The Junior School co-curricular program is designed to challenge our students, while developing team-building skills and expanding their interests. It includes participation in a range of activities, camps and sporting programs.

The Outdoor Education program begins at Year 2 with an Adventure Day and an overnight sleepover at the School. This experience allows our students to build confidence being away from home in a familiar setting. Year 3 students then enjoy a three-day camp learning about marine and coastal environments. Year 4 students spend two nights in a semi-rural environment at Wootton Lodge, the School’s property in Central Gippsland. Year 5 students participate in a four-night camp learning about Australia’s Indigenous history and Year 6 students experience an urban environment, visiting our Nation's Capital to study the Federal political system.

The School’s Community Links program also begins early, with Junior School students participating in activities such as the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, World Vision child sponsorship, Operation Christmas Child and various other community service opportunities. These experiences open up our students’ minds to the diverse nature of our community and the need to care for others. There is a wide range of Music and Performing Arts opportunities, including the Junior School Choir, String Orchestra and Junior School Band, as well as access to eleven different instruments taught by specialist instrumental staff. The Junior School’s competitive sporting program commences with House sport (Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country) in Year 3. In Year 4, students begin playing team sports, while interschool sport begins in Year 5 and takes place on Friday afternoons. Throughout the year, other co-curricular activities are offered to Junior School students, such as a range of lunchtime clubs and a number of other competition and challenge-based activities.

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