
Richard McGorlick
(YOG 1982)
Title:Senior IT Architect
Co. Name:IBM

Current Industry Experience
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services
Occupation Fields
Information & Communication Technology
Previous Industry Experience
Electricity, Gas, Water & Waste Services Financial & Insurance Services Information Media & Telecomms Mining
Previous Occupation Fields
Information & Communication Technology
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • Bachelor Degree
    Monash Uni:
    Information Technology
    Major: Computing
Subjects studied at Year 12
Accounting Biology English IT - Applied Computing Maths - Methods
What do you love about your job?

I love that my job is constantly changing and evolving. I am constantly learning about new technologies, industries and clients. I have also been fortunate enough to travel as part of my job on occasion and that has also been exciting.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Never think that you are alone. You can always leverage the people around you for help. Innovation comes when you interact with others and work with new ideas.




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