
Mark Beaton
(YOG 1981)
Title:General Manager
Co. Name:Halo Auto Care Pty Ltd

Current Industry Experience
Transport, Postal & Warehousing Other Automotive Industry
Occupation Fields
Other Automotive, Transport & Logistics
Previous Industry Experience
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services Retail Trade Wholesale Trade
Previous Occupation Fields
Executive & General Management Sales, Retail, Wholesale & Real Estate
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • N/A
Subjects studied at Year 12
Accounting Economics English Legal Studies Maths - Further
What do you love about your job?

Development of the business and the team. As a leader it is very rewarding seeing the growth in a business and the personal growth of the team.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, I would advise my younger self to commit to the effort to achieve the best result possible in high school education and follow up with a degree in my preferred career direction.




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